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Геймпад Switch Wired Handle TNS-1188

Жайгашкан жери

Контроллеры для Nintendo Switch (Сама консоль в комплекте не идет) 1, Switch game console installed directly on the handle to use, can enhance the player’s hand grip. 3. 2. After inserting the Switch game console, the controller is connected automatically. (provided the handle upgrade switch is turned off) 3.3. Features include t (Turbo) function, screenshot key, six-axis gyroscope gravity sensing, custom key function programming, dual motor vibration, power charge input interface, and handle system upgrade. 3.4, using Type C interface design, support the Switch game console while playing the game while charging, can use the Switch original power adapter or the standard 15V PD power adapter charge. 3.5, the product is easy to install, novel appearance, beautiful structure, excellent hand grip


3 500 сом · $ 40

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3 500 сом · $ 40

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