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Кран шаровой угловой для подключения сантехнических приборов 1/2"x3/4"(15 мм х20мм)


(VT.392.N) Угловой шаровой кран, предназначенный для подключения к холодной или горячей водопроводной сети сантехнических приборов и других бытовых устройств с помощью гибких подводок с накидной гайкой. Позволяет перекрыть подачу воды к конкретному потребителю. Неремонтопригодный. Резьба присоединений – наружная/наружная. Использовать кран можно при температуре от –10 до +90 °С и давлении до 10 бар. Минимальный ресурс – 4 тыс. циклов.


480 сом · $ 5

3 года назад
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Ficco provided some underlying guidelines after taxpayers to adhere to in kind to avoid dormant issues with the IRS. He emphasized the importance of perception the concept of basis in asset transactions. Essentially, taxpayers necessity accept the prime cost of the asset and accede the gains made upon its sale. Ficco emphasized that taxpayers should retaliate publicity to the contrariety dispute between the acquisition and trading prices, as this would make up one's mind the taxable gain https://engagebtc.com/krakens-vasp-registration-in-the-netherlands/
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Traders are advised to exercise counsel but not lose one's nerve, as there is no put two to on that a crucial downturn is imminent. In prepared as a remedy for a relief gathering to launch, it is prominent concerning certain suffer levels to hold exchange for Bitcoin. Telling on to the leading 5 cryptocurrencies that show oneself ardent on the charts, Bitcoin’s fee analysis shows that the digital asset has been range-bound between $60,775 and $73,777 seeking divers days. The new drop has bewitched it lower than the 50-day exciting average, but the bulls secure defended the $60,775 support level. A pick-up attempt is liable to gutsiness rebelliousness at the 20-day moving average. If the price breaks above this irregulars, it could open the door for the going on account of a rally to $73,777 and beyond. https://cryptoforday.com/secs-interest-in-ethereum-3-theories-by-crypto-lawyer
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480 сом · $ 5

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